Carbon health hillsdale
Carbon health hillsdale

carbon health hillsdale

D’Amante of Lathrop Construction Associates were in attendance. John Dybczak of Quattrocchi Kwok Architects Mikael Estrada of Greystone West and Anthony E. Thanks to Trustees Teri Chavez and Jennifer Jacobson, Superintendent Randall Booker Deputy Superintendent Kirk Black former Superintendent Samuel Johnson, former board member Peter Hanley, and Foster City Councilmember Stacy Jimenez for joining us. Construction is scheduled for May 2023 through January 2025.Ĭeremony guests were welcomed by SMHS Principal Yvonne Shiu, Athletic Director Jeff Scheller, Board Vice President Ligia Andrade Zúñiga and Citizens Oversight Committee member Erica Lyons. Designed by longtime District partners Quattrocchi Kwok Architects and managed by Greystone West, the new gym will bring San Mateo High into greater parity with other District schools, meeting the needs of the student body as well as the larger community. The new facility will include a gym area, team and training rooms, classrooms and additional support spaces. Thank you to everyone who joined us on May 16 to celebrate the start of construction on the new gymnasium at San Mateo High School! More than 100 people attended the ceremony which included the SMHS PepBand performing with retiring director Attilio Tribuzi!Ĭonstruction of the San Mateo High gym will include a new building totaling approximately 20,085 square feet to be constructed on the site of the existing tennis courts. Maintaining Appropriate Adult-Student Interactions.Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals.Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).School Accountability Report Card (SARC).San Mateo Union High School District Federal Program Accountability Plans.Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).The design and preparation of tender documents was fast tracked so that the entire project could be constructed by the funding deadline.

carbon health hillsdale

This major initiative was a federally funded infrastructure stimulus project, resulting in a significant decrease in the volume and frequency of CSOs to the Ottawa River. Data from the flow monitoring equipment is gathered at two above-ground control panels and is transmitted via fibre optic cable to a nearby supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) hub, which is integrated with the City’s SCADA system. A real-time flow monitoring system consisting of two Parshall flumes, as well as a state-of-the-art transit time flow meter, were installed to measure the storage pipe inflow/outflow rates. The outflow of the storage pipe is regulated by a large vortex flow regulator installed in a separate downstream control structure. A low flow channel, complete with a high density polyethylene (HDPE) cast-in-place liner, was installed in the bottom of the storage pipe to promote self-cleansing velocities during dry weather flow conditions.

carbon health hillsdale

The storage pipe is 275 m long and designed to hold 2,000 m 3 of combined sewage (equivalent to a 25 mm storm event over the tributary area). The existing sewer system at the Birch Avenue/Sandridge Road intersection was designed to direct combined sewage from five upstream sewers into a deep 3,000 mm diameter in-line CSO storage pipe. The Birch Avenue overflow at Sandridge Road is one of the most active CSO sites within the City of Ottawa (City). In addition to road, sewer, and watermain reconstruction, the project included separation of the existing combined sewer system into dedicated storm and sanitary sewers, and the design of an in-line storage pipe for combined sewer overflow (CSO) reduction. JLR was retained to prepare the preliminary and detailed design and tender documents for the reconstruction of Sandridge Road from Merriman Avenue to Hillsdale Road in Ottawa.

Carbon health hillsdale